Will Window Tint Fail Inspection PA: Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to vehicle inspections in Pennsylvania, one common concern among car owners is whether their window tint will lead to inspection failures.

In this detailed guide, we’ll explore Pennsylvania’s window tint regulations, the implications of failing an inspection, and how to ensure your vehicle complies with the law.

Vehicle inspections are a regular part of life for Pennsylvania residents, ensuring that vehicles on the road meet safety and environmental standards.

Window tint, while popular for its privacy and aesthetic benefits, must also adhere to specific regulations. Let’s delve into the details to answer the question: Will window tint fail inspection in PA?

Understanding Will Window Tint Fail Inspection PA?

To avoid inspection failures, it’s crucial to comprehend the state’s regulations regarding window tint darkness. Pennsylvania law provides clear guidelines to maintain safety while allowing for some customization.

Legal Limits for Window Tint Darkness

Pennsylvania’s regulations stipulate the permissible levels of darkness for window tint on different windows of your vehicle.

  • Front Windshield Tint: The front windshield must allow at least 70% of light to pass through. This ensures that drivers have a clear view, especially at night.
  • Front Side Windows Tint: Similar to the front windshield, the front side windows (driver and passenger) must also permit at least 70% of light transmission. This rule prioritizes visibility and safety.
  • Rear Side Windows Tint: Unlike the front windows, rear side windows can have any level of tint darkness. Vehicle owners have more flexibility in tinting these windows.
  • Rear Window Tint: Similar to rear side windows, the rear window can also have any level of tint darkness. This allows for customization while adhering to safety standards.

Implications of Failing Window Tint Inspection

Understanding the inspection process and the common reasons for failing is essential to ensure your vehicle’s compliance with Pennsylvania’s window tint requirements.

The Inspection Process

During a typical vehicle inspection in Pennsylvania, inspectors use specialized tools to measure the level of tint darkness. If your window tint exceeds the legal limits, you risk failing the inspection.

Common Reasons for Failing

Inspection failures related to window tint often occur due to excessive darkness or non-compliance with regulations. To avoid failing, it’s crucial to address these issues promptly.

Correcting Tint Issues and Ensuring Compliance

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania does not grant waivers for window tint. All vehicles must adhere to the state’s regulations to pass inspection.

Medical Exemptions for Window Tint

If you have a medical condition that requires window tinting for UV protection or privacy, you can apply for an exemption through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). This exemption allows you to tint your windows legally while addressing your medical needs.

How to Ensure Your Window Tint Passes Inspection

Before your vehicle inspection, it’s wise to check the darkness of your window tint to ensure it complies with Pennsylvania’s legal limits. You can do this using a tint meter, which measures the percentage of light transmitted through the tint.

Selecting the right tint material is crucial to prevent inspection issues. High-quality and compliant tint materials are readily available, and investing in these materials can save you trouble during inspections.

Steps to Correct Tint and Pass Re-Inspection

If your window tint fails inspection, you have options. Pennsylvania allows vehicle owners 30 days to correct the tint and schedule a re-inspection. Here’s how to ensure your tint meets regulations:

  1. Remove Excess Tint: If your tint is too dark, remove the excess tint film to meet the legal limits.
  2. Choose Legal Tint Film: Opt for tint films that adhere to Pennsylvania’s permissible darkness levels. Look for those labeled as “PA legal.”
  3. Professional Installation: To guarantee compliance, have your tint installed by a professional who is well-versed in the state’s guidelines.

Tinting Windows After Inspection

You can certainly tint your windows after passing inspection in Pennsylvania, provided the tint complies with legal requirements. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select Legal Tint: Always choose a tint that adheres to Pennsylvania’s regulations regarding darkness levels.
  2. Professional Installation: To guarantee compliance, have your tint installed by a professional who is well-versed in the state’s guidelines.


Q: Can I get a waiver for my window tint in Pennsylvania?

A: Unfortunately, Pennsylvania does not grant waivers for window tint. All vehicles must comply with state regulations.

Q: What is the legal limit for front windshield tint in PA?

A: The front windshield must allow at least 70% of light to pass through in Pennsylvania.

Q: Are there medical exemptions for window tints in PA?

A: Yes, Pennsylvania allows medical exemptions for window tint. You can apply for an exemption through PennDOT.

Q: What should I do if my window tint fails inspection?

A: If your window tint fails inspection, you have 30 days to correct it and schedule a re-inspection.

Q: Can I tint my windows after passing inspection?

A: Yes, you can tint your windows after passing inspection, but the tint must comply with legal requirements.

Q: How can I check the darkness of my window tint?

A: You can check the darkness of your window tint using a tint meter, which measures the percentage of light transmitted through the tint.


Understanding and adhering to Pennsylvania’s window tint regulations is essential for vehicle owners. Failing window tint inspection can result in re-inspections and fines. Make informed choices about your window tint to avoid these hassles and ensure a safe driving experience.

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